A Running Election 2016

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     -Like Watching Noah's Earth/Flood, ( a voice, "Mark 17 and 7,"), And There was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, (my people are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb).

Prophecy Link

     -What did I see? I saw the Righteous Bride now reigning in heaven doing the greatest of tribulations, I saw that she had in her possession the stone cut out without hands. I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, I further saw that when she released it, I heard a voice lament, and I quote, "this is the anti-Christ (NWO), murderer," 02/14/2015 (now, right now, come out of prediction, see Dan. 2:3-49, see The Angel Gabriel 2004), Apb

It Had The Surface Of A Meteor 02/14/2015
Obama/Clinton Destroying America

     -In your world these various destroyers may have famed names, identities and carnal celebrity, though like the seven slayers the prophet Ezekiel witness, see it's 9th chapter. Those summon out of the higher gate north, by God Himself, left Ezekiel crying whether a remnant of these rebellious people would be left? How to even make it more interesting, as I've heard them many times converse among themselves.
     -That great beast John witness come out of prediction, Rev. 9:11. That explained as how in the Hebrew hath his name Abaddon, let alone in the Greek hath his name Apollyon, however now unleashed. Not unlike those two vicious beast I witness, 2008, one from sea, one from earth, see Rev. 13, even one in the church, 2014, tearing through Us pulpits, homes and soil, and nothing on the planet would ever be resolved without Christ's Cross.
     -Just as so those dismantling and obliterating America, The West, right now, (see the end of the dispensation of grace, the church Age), with hundreds of millions of souls in it's quake. Regardless, they have been assigned to this purpose of demolition by God's wrath, Himself, also see Jer. 37, 38. chapters. I'm guessing, same sentence, judgment and the pouring out of the wrath of God back then.
     -Rightly so, it's the same right now, only as forewarn for these end of days, nations, more magnified, double, even triple their weight in guilty blood. How in only an hours' time, a complete deletion of all things rebellious man, especially by this stone cut out without hands. Solution? Well at one time Psalm says kiss the son (see Jesus' Wrath), lest He be angry and ye, (mankind), perish from the way, when His Wrath is kindled, but a little, Psa. 2., "why do the heathen rage?"
     -For America, the West, this unthinkable for them humility, would be or have the equivalent of calling off the 2016 election; that's transform it into a day of prayer, reconciliation and true recompense. For only the sacrifices ensuring a broken heart, as so a broken and contrite spirit God's wrath will not despise (discount).
     -These revelations are to explain, how many nations like Russia, China, standing off from us, call the American People clueless. Or those simply misinformed for not realizing these truths, these clear and present dangers, they see so clearly.  Heretofore, if you ask any born again leader, lead and anointed upon by Holy Spirits.
     -That's with it's Jesus' heart sincerity, this is what they would tell, and as so, forewarn of you. Truly anything else, that's anything not nailed down by Christ's Cross, meaning a transformation of the heart into Holiness, apostate to abominable lives, lands and churches, this insurmountable idolatry straightly gone because of sincere repentance.
     -Although like Daniel who knew King Belshazzar's condemned fate would come in one night, that very night, Dan. 5, also see the Medes and Persians. I, this end time Apostle know this nation by assigned cataclysms especially 2001-2017, is and will suffer it's greatest defeat, evenly with that fan being in Jesus' hand, not even the dust of it will stand.
     -So imagine how many lives/souls could be moved out of the way just by simply repenting along a much needed escape, (see Rom. 10:9, 10), This slow motion exodus I've seen for years, months, and weeks into this very day, awake, be as aware, as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com,
 www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com


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